Friday, October 28, 2011

It was a typical Friday evening...

And all the players had just left for the Friday Golden Corral Feast. Wanting to wash the weight of the day off my shoulders (and the stink of the day off my armpits), I decide to take a shower. I cleverly put my fresh clothes in the dryer so I can have a similar satisfaction to first bite of a newly baked cookie when I put on my pants, and I take my towel and head for the locker room to bathe.

Meanwhile, in the mysterious hallways of the Teague Center, the door to the equipment room closes, cutting off any supply of clothes, undergarments, mobile devices, or various other modes for communication with the outside world. I was up the proverbial creek without a paddle. Or pants. Or anything really except a towel.

Luckily God provides another way out for my absent-mindedness (as He does about once a week), and one of the offices is open. With a clever combination of facebook stalking and cell phone dialing, I find a solution. 6 phone calls and 3 voicemails later, Coach Farrell saves the day with the keys and a "I can't believe you did something like this again" face.

Absent-mindedness and genius are both symptoms of manicism. But not all symptoms show up in all cases.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Hello World.

If I ever think of something interesting, I'll write a book. But until then my contribution to the expansion of the Internet can be found here. It's a little less genre focused than my other blog, but we'll see how it goes.