Monday, February 27, 2012

English is there native tongue.

I do not envy English Teachers. They bare the daunting task of teaching hour children grammar; speling, and sentence structure. Math is hard enuff to teach and there are only 9 numbers and some cymbals to deal with. There is alot of words they're minds have trouble comprehending. And it is rare to find allot of motivation for students to learn about homophones and contractions. If yule let me, aisle attempt to explain a few of my favorite word quirks in English.

-There is a difference between there, their, and they're. Learn the difference and your facebook statuses and tweets will look much more English savvy.

There = location. Let's go over there.

They're = they are (contraction). Let's go over there and see what they're doing.

Their = possession. Let's go over there to their house and see what they're doing.

- Please do not insult someone with the word "your". Saying, "Your dumb," shines a brilliant I am rubber you are glue moment right in the face of the English-ignorant speaker.

Your = possession. That is your underwear.

You're = you are (contraction). You're highly intelligent.

There are many more examples of this sort of word confusion phenomenon known as homophones. Read more and learn their ways.

I do not envy those who desire to learn English. Homophones are just the beginning of the confusion. Asking a Texan if they want a coke and their response being, "yeah, get me a Dr. Pepper," are mind-boggling to even native speakers.

This world is funny and people who know how to cleverly play with words amuse me.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Burning the Midnight Oil

  • My dog is an excellent snorer, and I am a fan of him and teaching him cool stuff. His newest thing is catching the treats or balls or other random objects I toss his way in his mouth. 
  • Ted Mosby and I have a lot in common. And I really am enjoying How I Met Your Mother. 
  • I have been going to school since I was 5, and I am 23. I am growing a little weary of jumping through hoops and writing papers. 
  • My stomach ain't the iron fortress it used to be. Got to go home from job #2 early today, but I think it was because the pizza I had for breakfast upset my stomach.
  • I need to change my diet and start eating healthier, puking sucks. 
  • My oldest younger brother knows what he wants to do with his life, and is deciding where to do it. That is really cool.
  • My parents came to town last weekend and I shared a couple meals with them and a church service. Also really cool. 
  • My other two brothers had their own activities to attend to so I didn't get to spend time with them. Not as cool. 
  • My #2 cousin is playing injured. I know the feeling and am proud he's hanging in there. He is a better basketball player than I am, but don't tell him I said that. 
  • Great friend and roommate got a cool tattoo tonight, with cool reasoning behind it. Also really cool.
  • It rekindled my idea for my tattoo #2, but probably not enough to turn the idea into reality, yet. 
  • I miss my friends that moved away after last semester. And am already looking forward to missing the ones who will leave after this semester. 
  • The annual trip to Austin and the State Basketball Tournament is a mere month away. This is the third coolest thing in my life each year after church camp and teaching. 
  • I am getting my truck back Thursday or Friday. I never knew how much I really liked it until I didn't have it for two months. Funny how absence always makes the heart grow fonder, even if it is just a chunk of metal. 
  • I am still grateful that I can have my truck back at all. And my life. And my Grace from my Father. God is also really cool (understatement). 
  • I need to "dig" into my other blog again. Soon. This week soon. I will be looking for divine inspiration, and will probably get it in the shower like I usually do. 
  • Lists are a good way to organize things. So are spreadsheets. 
Goodnight. And always look for planks in the mirror before you point out specks in another.