Thursday, January 26, 2012

Who needs one job when you can have two?

Along with my ACU Football responsibilities and graduate student responsibilities, I have added another responsibility. Following in the footsteps of my friend and mentor, Cody Farrell, I have taken a position of cronie at Athletic Supply. It is a great job working for great people and I like it. If I ran a small business, this would be the type of business I'd like to run. It also helps that I did a lot of this stuff in high school at Ginger's stores, so I am catching on quickly to the way things work.

I am still excited to see what my first big screw-up is going to be, but so far my record has been relatively clean. I am grateful to Mike Forrester for being the connection to the job and giving me the opportunity and to Wes Davis for hiring me on and letting me jump right in and swim. This could be the beginning of a nice new work place.

And for future referencing, coaches come in and out of there all the time ordering things, so it has become a nice way for me to network and meet some people that I might want to hire me sometime in the near future. Thank you God for continuously blessing me with opportunities to beef up my resume' and learn new skills that will help me later in my career (whatever that ends up being). 

Thursday, January 19, 2012

No Matter What The Case May Be

I like to think of my self as a man who lives without worry. That is true about 99% of the time. Today was one of my 1%ers.

2012 is off to an interesting start. It has already been filled to the brim with change, lightly squeezed with a sour taste of consequences, served with a delicious looking plate of opportunity. In this whirlwind of an appetizer course to the year I found myself deep in worry from about 1:30 yesterday til 9:00 tonight.

I was worried about paying for my truck repairs, $3500 expected to be paid by today for exact, on top of rent and the complications with my loan and payroll over Christmas break. Love that money! Woooooo!

I was worried about my career, how well I fit in with a new staff, whether my second degree was worth the trouble, and if college coaching was my right fit right now.

I was worried about my new job, learning how things operated and doing it efficiently and how it'd effect my performance in the job I already held.

I was worried about my relationships, whether or not I should be looking for a girlfriend, missing friends that moved away, and wondering what'll happen in 5 months when more move.


On my way home after some nice family time and a home cooked meal, The Spirit reminded me of a song my uncle Steve sang in VBS way back when he had a gross mustache and I had no facial hair (or very little). The song goes like this:

I've got confidence.
My LORD is gonna see me through.
No matter what the case may be
My LORD is gonna fix it for me.

And I sang it all the way home from Tuscola and until it morphed from a hopeful prayer to a refurbished foundation of my faith. Matthew 5:48 is one of my favorite verses in the Bible because it reminds me of my ultimate goal in this life. To be perfect as my Father in Heaven is perfect.

Satan and Selfishness like to tag-team combat my heart into thinking I am the one responsible for the perfection, the completeness in my life. And they when every time I lay down my spiritual armor and show up naked to a nasty, ruthless war on Evil. That and my work ethic make me think I can accomplish things if I know all the answers and work my ass off to get it done. But I can't. And that is perfectly alright because I've got confidence. My LORD is gonna see me through. No matter what the case may be, my LORD is gonna fix it for me.

Thank you to everyone who has ever helped with a Vacation Bible School. You never know what God is doing in the spirit of a 6 year old that he will really need at 1:00 am a little over a week before he turns 23. Truth roots itself deep in our souls. Hold fast to truth.