Monday, February 27, 2012

English is there native tongue.

I do not envy English Teachers. They bare the daunting task of teaching hour children grammar; speling, and sentence structure. Math is hard enuff to teach and there are only 9 numbers and some cymbals to deal with. There is alot of words they're minds have trouble comprehending. And it is rare to find allot of motivation for students to learn about homophones and contractions. If yule let me, aisle attempt to explain a few of my favorite word quirks in English.

-There is a difference between there, their, and they're. Learn the difference and your facebook statuses and tweets will look much more English savvy.

There = location. Let's go over there.

They're = they are (contraction). Let's go over there and see what they're doing.

Their = possession. Let's go over there to their house and see what they're doing.

- Please do not insult someone with the word "your". Saying, "Your dumb," shines a brilliant I am rubber you are glue moment right in the face of the English-ignorant speaker.

Your = possession. That is your underwear.

You're = you are (contraction). You're highly intelligent.

There are many more examples of this sort of word confusion phenomenon known as homophones. Read more and learn their ways.

I do not envy those who desire to learn English. Homophones are just the beginning of the confusion. Asking a Texan if they want a coke and their response being, "yeah, get me a Dr. Pepper," are mind-boggling to even native speakers.

This world is funny and people who know how to cleverly play with words amuse me.

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